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About Us


We provide clergy services for weddings, funerals, communions, and bible studies. We spread our faith and beliefs in Jubilee House Ministry through our services. We keep a list of resource information for various services.


Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all ages, races, colors, and creeds. Assisting believers in maintaining their believe, supporting them with various spiritual services. Preaching, teaching the good news which is the gospel according to the Holy Bible. Reaching out to all ages, races, colors, and creeds to share of the love of God.


Pastor Carolyn Johnson was born in Seattle, Washington where she was raised in Kirkland, Washington. She attended elementary, junior high and high school within the Lake Washington School District.  She completed various courses at North Seattle Community College, obtained her real estate credentials through Rockwell Institute, continued in the real estate field, as a Sr. Right of Way Agent for Century 21, Washington State Department of Transportation and the City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities where she retired from after 32 years of real estate service to Seattle, Washington.


She accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal savior in 1989, and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in 1991. In that same year, she was called to the ministry and was lead of the Lord to obtain her Deaconess Missionary and Evangelist license from the Honorable Bishop T.L. Westbrook and the Saintly Mother Gertrude Young of the Church of God In Christ.


Her education has continued on to obtain her Master’s degree in Religious Education from A.L. Hardy Academy and a Doctor’s of Ministry in Church Leadership from Saint Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies.  She received training from Bonney-Watson Funeral Service for conduct and facilitating grief support groups.


She is here to service the community at large regarding their spiritual needs: weddings, funerals, communions, grief support, bible studies etc…




Our Belief Concerning the Bible – We believe the bible to be the inspired and only infallible written word of God.


Our Belief Concerning God – We believe there is one God eternally existing in three person God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit


Our Belief Concerning the Church – We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God which is in Christ at his return


Our Belief Concerning Sin – We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ


Our Belief Concerning Salvation – We believe that the regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.


Our Belief Concerning Christ – We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the huma n body in answer to believing in prayer


Our Belief Concerning the Holy Ghost – We believe that the baptisms in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it.


Our Belief Concerning Sanctification – We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in this present world.


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